The final piece that Ed Bogucki worked on. An offering of gratitude to his many admirers, Bogucki wanted to create a smaller, more accessible, version of one of his most iconic works. He began the work in 2012 but his failing health kept him from being able to complete it. He entrusted his daughter Kathi with the task of finishing it. Using the skills learned in her decades of working by his side on various projects, she lovingly guided this faithful miniature rendition of the beloved Bask bronze into being.
- 2016
- 1/9 scale
- 11” H x 11.5” L x 4.5” W (27.94 cm H x 29.21 cm L x 11.43 cm W)
- Edition of 50
- Patinaed in bay with accurate white markings. (Can also be ordered without white markings)
- Price $2,800.00